Embracing Truth Over Tradition
Joplin Church of God 7th Day
- Local church attendance that provides warm and lasting friendships with fellow Christians.
- Encouraging others to share in the blessings and security of a life of faith in God.
- Worship, preaching and Bible study that strengthens the Church in living for Christ.
- Wholesome social and recreational activities, with emphasis on the family.
- Studying the inspired word of God found in the Bible as the sole source of inspired instruction for daily living.
- Proclaiming Jesus Christ as the only avenue for salvation and looking for His return as we reign with Him in a world made new.
Our Fellowship and Service:
Our Mission Statement
The purpose of this church shall be the teaching of the Word of God and especially the Gospel of Jesus Christ by word and deed to the local community and the world, and to develop the social and spiritual welfare of our members and of the community.